
Why even the young and healthy need life insurance

We've got bad news and good news. ‍The bad news is: You need life insurance. This is the bad news, because I think if we’re all honest with ourselves, you probably don’t want life insurance. Yes, you’re probably invincible, and you may not have any debt to cover or financial dependents to…
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Why life insurance is a force for social good

When we think of things that are good for society, we’d normally list things like lower unemployment, better education, curbing violence and crime, and maybe even a winning Springbok team… We wouldn’t ordinarily think of life insurance. Life insurance, in this context, refers to the system of paying premiums in exchange…
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The Cons and Pros of Tax-Free Savings

At this point, you may have heard the phrase “Tax-Free Savings Account” (also known as the Tax-Free Investment, or TFSA for short) so many times you’re considering naming your new cat just that. They came into existence as a governmental drive to encourage more South Africans to save. These accounts…
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Five Steps to Buying Life Insurance for Your Home Loan

Buying a home for the first time is an exhilarating mix of excitement and stress, which culminates in your owning a place you get to paint any colour you want. But before you start picking the brightest paint swatches on the rack, there’s something you need to do to protect your…
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